International Thespian Society, a division of EdTA, is an honorary organization for high school and middle school theatre students. There are ITS troupes at more than 4,900 affiliated schools around the world. The Society’s mission is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. Students earn induction by participating in an affiliated school’s theatre program and accumulating points based on the quality and quantity of their work in theatre. Irvine Thespians are a part of
Thespian Troupe 2993. Induction happens at the end of each school year, at which time students who have earned 100 points can be inducted as Thespians and 500 points can be inducted as Honors Thespians. Induction as a Thespian means that you are a recognized part of an international organization and Honors Thespians will be presented with a cord for graduation.
There is a one-time initiation fee of $35 that will be collected prior to induction.
An updated list our current Thespians will be added soon!