Advanced Technical Theatre (Interview/Work Sample Required)
For admittance into Advanced Tech Theatre, you must either submit a work sample OR complete the CTE Tech Theatre Summer Intensive. See Mr. Chittenden for details.
Advanced Technical Theatre students serve as designers and leaders of the production teams for the three major stage productions (fall play, musical, spring showcase). Students choose an area of specialty (lighting, sound, costumes, etc.) and create the designs for the production. Students will develop their skills through the execution of the full design process, from script analysis, to research, sketches, design pitches, budgeting, and drafting/building/programming to bring their designs to completion for a stage production. A high level of commitment and self-direction is required to ensure the success of the production. Time commitment outside of the class meeting time varies based on the demands of the student's chosen specialty. Those specialties requiring a significant number of hours in rehearsal and performance will earn the student additional credit in the Play Production course.
Beginning Technical Theatre F/S (OPEN ENROLLMENT)
The Beginning Tech Theatre course is designed to teach students the skills and terminology of the various technical fields of live event and theatre production. Over the course of two semesters, the class will address the following fields:
Set Design & Construction
Scenic Painting
Stage Management
Lighting Design, Programming & Operation
Costume Design & Construction
Sound Design & Operation
Publicity & House Management
Prop Design and Construction
Some of these fields will be addressed as units of study including hands-on training, written assessments and authentic, project-based assessments. Other fields will be addressed through observation of experienced Irvine High students as well as industry professionals.
Approximately 12 hours of extra-curricular time will be required each semester for observation and work experience.